Wednesday, March 27, 2013

C4.5 Tutorial 1: Setup C4.5

This Tutorial will show you how to setup C4.5.

1- Download C4.5 source code.

2-Once you have downloaded C4.5 source code, open a new terminal and go to your C4.5 directory.

3- Decompress the C4.5 folder by typing "tar xvf c4.5r8.tar.gz"

4- Once the folder have been decompressed, you can see in your c4.5 directory a new folder called R8.

5- Change your directory to R8/Src ; "cd R8/Src"

6- Compile the executable inside the Src folder by typing in your command line "make all"

7- Go to your Src folder and copy the executable to a new folder and call it bin. The executable files are: c4.5, c4.5rules, consult, consultr, xval-prep.

8- Your are not ready yet.

In order to use C4.5 commands from the command line you should add the bin folder path to your environmental variables. For that, go back to the terminal and type "gedit ~/.bashrc"

9- At the end of the "bashrc" file after the "fi" statement write on a new line the following statement

export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH:<YOUR bin FILE PATH>"

10- Restart your terminal, and now your are ready to use C4.5 command from inside the command line.

Here a step-by-step video tutorial