1- Place the modified xval.sh file (found below) along with the data, test and names files inside one folder.
2- Open a new terminal and go to the folder directory
3- Type " csh xval-new.sh 'name of the data set' 10 ". This command generated 20 folds; 10 data folds (e.g. XDF1.data) and 10 test folds (e.g: XDF1.test).
N.B: If you don't have the "csh" package installed, install it by typing " sudo apt-get install csh".
Below you can find the modified version of the xval.sh file.
# N-way cross-validation script
# invocation:
# csh xval.sh filestem N [options for c4.5 and c4.5rules] [suffix]
# individual results from each block are left in
# filestem.[rt]o*[suffix],
# averages over all blocks in
# filestem.[rt]res[suffix]
# sort the options into result suffix and control options for the programs
# Note: for options with values, there must be no space between the option
# name and value; e.g. "-v1", not "-v 1"
set treeopts =
set ruleopts =
set suffix =
foreach i ( $argv[3-] )
switch ( $i )
case "+*":
set suffix = $i
case "-v*":
case "-c*":
set treeopts = ($treeopts $i)
set ruleopts = ($ruleopts $i)
case "-p":
case "-t*":
case "-w*":
case "-i*":
case "-g":
case "-s":
case "-m*":
set treeopts = ($treeopts $i)
case "-r*":
case "-F*":
case "-a":
set ruleopts = ($ruleopts $i)
echo "unrecognised or inappropriate option" $i
# prepare the data for cross-validation
cat $1.data $1.test | xval-prep $2 >XDF.data
cp /dev/null XDF.test
ln $1.names XDF.names
rm $1.[rt]o[0-9]*$suffix
set junk = `wc XDF.data`
set examples = $junk[1]
set large = `expr $examples % $2`
set segsize = `expr \( $examples / $2 \) + 1`
# perform the cross-validation trials
set i = 0
while ( $i < $2 )
if ( $i == $large ) set segsize = `expr $examples / $2`
cat XDF.test XDF.data | split -`expr $examples - $segsize`
mv xaa XDF.data
mv xab XDF.test
#modified by saada
cp XDF.data XDF$i.data
cp XDF.test XDF$i.test
#end modification
c4.5 -f XDF -u $treeopts >$1.to$i$suffix
c4.5rules -f XDF -u $ruleopts >$1.ro$i$suffix
@ i++
# remove the temporary files and summarize results
#rm -f XDF.*
#end modification
cat $1.to[0-9]*$suffix | grep "<<" | average >$1.tres$suffix
cat $1.ro[0-9]*$suffix | grep "<<" | average >$1.rres$suffix